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Wildcats - Coaches
Anthony Holder - Founder (Manager/Head Coach of U15's)
I began coaching football after my son started playing for a local team. I decided to help out during their training sessions and soon realised that I had a true passion for youth football. For the first year, I was mentored by the team coach Vanessa Wheeler, who taught me that attitude and effort is more important than ability. I completed specialist coach training and acquired my FA Coaching badges and after a year was given the opportunity to manage and coach what was then the U12's team of Storm Lightning. For two consecutive years our team were back to back league winners and senior league cup finalists . I am now the co-founder of Elite Development F.C where we continue to make strides and push forward to be the best that we can be. I don't just consider myself as a coach but also a mentor to our team members. My vision is to make EDFC the most respected Grassroots football team in the south east.
Rae Morrison - Founder
(Assistant Manager / Assistant Coach of U15's)
I set up my first football team, Phoenix F.C (and subsequently AMC Starline F.C), with school friends in 1986 and my role was Club Secretary and Manager. During the following ten years of success and enjoyment, I was also appointed to a senior administrative role within the Sportsman Football League which enabled me to encourage other like-minded individuals to set up football clubs and to provide them with support in doing this. Following this period, I became Club Secretary for another adult football club for two years and then took a sabbatical. My passion for youth football was ignited when my son started playing for a local team, Storm Lightning F.C U9’s. I provided support to the team coach, Vanessa Wheeler, who was a true inspiration to the team. I then supported Anthony Holder in managing and coaching the U12’s team of Storm Lightning F.C and the following two years have been hugely successful. I continue to support Anthony and all the players as we embark on a new adventure with Elite Development F.C. I am committed to helping deliver our vision and to support all players to enjoy their football and to harness and development their potential.
Neil Gooding - Manager
Head Coach U12's (Pro-Scout)
Coaching provides me with the privilege to work with incredible individuals and allows me to be in my creative element, I enjoy and take pride in helping my team members to meet their desired goals and then supersede them.
The act of coaching is an art form to me therefore I endeavour to help my team members access their blind spots and provide them with the tools to take charge of their futures.
Being part of a process, journey and life of someone who's committed to the work required, witnessing breakthroughs and seeing how lives can change from coaching is what makes this role invaluable!
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